What is Lehigh CustomFit?

Lehigh's answer to the inefficient and poor selection of a shoe truck is a comprehensive online safety footwear and apparel program that meets and accommodates all of your company's unique and specific needs with your own user-friendly, convenient product website as well as tracking and analytic tools for more efficient management.

The CustomFit Kiosk

As if saving money wasn't exciting enough, now you can give your employees access to your CustomFit website of safety footwear at their convenience 24/7 via our CustomFit iPad Kiosk installed onsite. Check out our options to learn what best fits your location and take your corporate safety program one step farther.

Data Exchange

Supplying Lehigh CustomFit with your employee data will help you better manage your safety footwear program by viewing stats, orders, purchases, returns and more within Command Center for accurate record keeping and compliance.

Data Exchange File Management

Step-by-step instructions on how to upload and customize your individual or list of employees into our system so that you have convenient and easy reporting, tracking and control to better manage your safety shoes program.

Command Center

Each of our CustomFit websites is created with Command Center - a multi-custom online tool accessed by the primary account contact to help him/her know how their safety shoes program is running by utilizing 3 main administrative features: program management, reporting and branding options. Be in command of your safety footwear program.

Kiosk Benefits

Check out our kiosk demonstration at the 2014 NRA show which highlights convenient 24/7 access for all of your employees to your safety footwear program. No more limited safety shoe truck or shoe mobiles. No more shoe store-to-store driving and comparing. Your employees will get it done fast, easy and hassle-free.

Partner With Lehigh CustomFit

Employee safety is top priority and safety shoes are important! We bet the way you and your workers are getting your safety boots now is really expensive and unnecessarily hard and time consuming. Don't wait in line at a limited-selection safety shoe truck or store. Watch how simple and easy it is to get a CustomFit Safety Shoe Program.

Vintage Monty Python Safety Shoe Ad

In 1965 Lehigh Safety Shoes, now Lehigh Outfitters, had a sales pitch created for the then relatively new safety shoe market. The result was this quirky series of animations and demonstrations. Although the whole thing is pretty quirky, we laugh every time we watch it. Above is part 1. For Parts 2 and 3, please check out LehighTV.